Wednesday, August 29, 2018

UFOs, the "Contactee" issue and Russian meddling...

For those who may be interested, a new article from me on UFOs, the alien "Contactee" issue, and Russian meddling:

The article begins as follows...

"Russia’s undeniable and outrageous meddling in things that are none of their business has a significant bearing on the UFO issue of yesteryear. With that in mind, I thought it would be timely to bring to your attention a few intriguing and eye-opening issues. Firstly, the pro-Russia stance of a certain famous UFO Contactee. That man was George Adamski. He was arguably the most famous and controversial of all the Contactees: he claimed multiple encounters with human-like aliens from other worlds, including Venus, no less (yeah, right…). The facts concerning the Russian issue are contained in Adamski’s FBI file, which is in the public domain, thanks to the terms of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. An FBI document of May 28, 1952 reveals that the FBI had a credible source who, back in 1950, had shared with them certain data on Adamski."

From The Anomalist...

August 27

Nick Redfern begins an intrigue-laden trilogy about hush-hush U.K. attention towards UFOs--and towards those others similarly interested. Here Nick introduces the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Great Britain's National Security Agency equivalent, and one Robin Cole, head of investigations for the Gloucestershire UFO Group. Cole's 1997 report on the GCHQ/UFO connection apparently got him into trouble even before it was published. And maybe that was because Cole's research uncovered GCHQ concern about dramatic military/UFO encounters like the one Nick recounts here. The plot thickens in Nick's GCHQ and UFO Secrets, with an account of a sighting over GCHQ itself. Its security guard witnesses were threatened by their superiors after the story broke. And in Surveillance, Saucers and Spies Nick describes the "trouble" local investigator Cole got into, along with an almost comical account of how Cole was given the photograph gracing the front cover of his GCHQ and the UFO Cover-Up. (WM)

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

New Editions: Chupacabra and Nessie

Just recently, the rights to a number of my books were all returned to me. So, two of those books are now available thru my agent's company, Lisa Hagan Books. They are Chupacabra Road Trip and Nessie! Both books have new afterwords, new covers and new interior designs. Also, whereas Nessie! (in the original edition) only had a handful of photos and artwork, the new edition has around 30 images. All of the links to the new editions should be up at Amazon in a day or two.

Friday, August 17, 2018

The "New" Slenderman...

Having written a book on the Slenderman phenomenon earlier this year (The Slenderman Mysteries), this caught my eye. Very weird: the new Slenderman...

Wednesday, August 8, 2018