Friday, March 17, 2017

A Weird Side of Ufology...

A new article from me on one of the stranger aspects of Ufology. It starts like this...

Last year I wrote an article here at Mysterious Universe titled “UFOs: Extraterrestrial? Probably Not.” One of the reasons I gave for suggesting that the UFO phenomenon is far stranger than anything of an E.T. nature, is the fact that many UFO incidents seem to be staged for the benefit of the witness. As if “they” are trying to convince us they are extraterrestrials. But, they are trying way too hard. I made mention of one particular angle of the UFO phenomenon that, in my opinion, is a perfect example. I wrote:

QUOTE: “There’s the nature of the entities themselves: they practically overemphasize who, or what, they claim to be. Take, for example, all those ‘soil-sampling’ aliens of the 1950s and 1960s. You know the ones: someone is working in their field, or driving down a stretch of road, when they encounter a couple of diminutive aliens collecting specimens of local plants, flowers, and vegetables. E.T. on a scientific mission, right? No, not in my view.


  1. Many UFO sightings apparently envolved crafts, and others seems to be abstract technologies, so the phenomenom might be sometimes man-made, sometimes intergallactic and some others interdimensionals

  2. Many UFO sightings envolved crafts others seems to be abstract technologies, so the phenomenom might be sometimes man-made, sometimes intergallactic and some others interdimensionals
