Thursday, January 30, 2020

Roswell, Project Blue Book & Tiny Coffins

A new article from me on the History Channel's Project Blue Book show, Roswell and "tiny coffins."

1 comment:

  1. One billion people on planet earth follow a manmade religion called "Roswell". This religion is based on the faulty assumption that "alien bodies" were recovered near Roswell. The high priests of this religion - individuals like the late Stanton Friedman - interpreted all documents related to the case as "confirming" the ET hypothesis - even though the documentation did no such thing. For example the Sept 1947 memo from Lt Gen Nathan Twining of Wright Field to the commanding general of the Army Air Forces specifically says there is a "LACK of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits" and yet the prophets of this religion interpret this memo as a deliberate attempt by Wright Field to confuse and lie to the Pentagon(!) Such is the subjective thinking in the religion that is Roswell.
